Best Things To Do in Tokyo | Best Times to Visit Tokyo | Why Go To Tokyo | #2 in Best Places to Visit in Japan | Tokyo Travel Guide

Best Things To Do in Tokyo

Why Go To Tokyo, Best Things To Do in Tokyo, Best Times to Visit Tokyo, Getting Around Tokyo, #2 in Best Places to Visit in Japan, Tokyo Travel Guide

Why Go To Tokyo 

"Enlivened" is maybe the best word to depict Tokyo. Wild about its anime, Japan's supercity is continually humming with development – feet rattling down walkways, vehicles zooming along roads, metro trains murmuring subterranean, ships cruising in and out. But brilliant lights and uproarious signs beseech you to stop, to break your movement for only one second to implore (uh oh, we mean compensation) at the raised area of industrialism. This is a city that benefits from movement and progress. 

Yet, when you need to stop in Tokyo, the city will unquestionably make it worth your time and energy. The well informed local people may whizz past the landmarks and metropolitan stops day by day (besides during the cherry bloom season when everybody floods the green space), in any case, we guarantee you, the exhibition halls and recorded destinations are elite. Here, there are photographs to be taken, sushi to be eaten and a ton of shopping to be finished. So the thing would you say you are hanging tight for? You better hurry up.

Best Things To Do in Tokyo 

Best Things To Do in Tokyo

Within excess of 13 million occupants to engage, Tokyo has a great deal going on. Get your early daytime going with breakfast sushi at the world-popular Tsukiji Fish Market at that point let yourself become mixed up in Japan's immense and fascinating history at the Tokyo National Museum or the Edo-Tokyo Museum. Require an hour or two and loosen up in the verdant nurseries (ideally with an excursion) of the Imperial Palace or the Shinjuku Gyoen National Garden. At the point when you're prepared to take on Tokyo's mammoth shopping scene, head to Ginza, the waterfront Odaiba or the anime-accommodating Akihabara for everything tech. By the day's end, bring a lift into the sky at either the Tokyo Tower or the Tokyo Metropolitan Government Building for a birds-eye perspective on the sparkling city. Also, no outing here would be finished without visiting a portion of the city's more customary destinations, including the Sensoji Temple and the otherworldly Meiji Shrine.

Best Times to Visit Tokyo 

Best Things To Do in Tokyo

The best ideal opportunity to visit Tokyo is between March and April and September and November. Harvest time introduces beautiful foliage and agreeable temperatures. Spring acquires a large part of the equivalent, however rather than dynamic fall tints, the foliage you'll see here are cherry bloom trees in full blossom. Summer, then again, is the top vacationer season, which you'll rapidly see from long queues at historical centers and confounded metros riders. On the off chance that you can, keep away from this season; you'll face severe warmth, dampness, and high room rates. On the contrary extraordinary, the winter climate is nippy yet reasonable; notwithstanding, you won't encounter the maximum capacity of Tokyo's parks during this season.

Getting Around Tokyo 

The most ideal approach to get around Tokyo is the tram. This broad, effective organization will take you anyplace in the city as fast as could really be expected. The tram likewise interfaces with Tokyo's two significant air terminals – Narita International Airport (NRT) and Haneda Airport (HND). The transport framework is significantly more unavoidable than the tram; be that as it may, it's liable to traffic delays and ordinarily befuddles voyagers who don't know Japanese. The city is too huge to be in any way covered by walking, yet you should walk around the individual areas to make the most of Tokyo's buzzing about. Taking a taxi can get exorbitant, yet will be vital when the tram is shut late around evening time and promptly in the first part of the day. Furthermore, in the event that you would prefer not to hail in Tokyo's tumult, the city has Uber.

On Foot 

Strolling around Tokyo can be somewhat overpowering. The montage of road signs and neon lights prompts an invigorating (and debilitating) feeling that guests either love or disdain. While there are such countless interruptions, people on foot additionally need to remain zeroed in on exploring the roads. Tangled avenues streak indistinct neighborhoods that consistently confound guests. On the off chance that you get lost, the smartest option is to discover the closest tram station and arrange yourself utilizing a metro map.


From the outset, Tokyo's metro framework might be overpowering for explorers. There are various shading coded lines that run all through the city, with metro stops set apart by an individual letter and number. In the event that you can trust it, it's one of the simpler guides of Tokyo to fathom. Each educational signposted both in and outside of metro stations just as in the metro vehicles are in both Japanese and English. You can likewise choose the language of metro ticket machines to English. 

Tramlines in Tokyo are shading coded, have their own name, and are curtailed by the main letter of their name at stations. For instance, on the off chance that you see the letter G posted inside and outside of a tram station, this demonstrates that the Ginza line is adjusted at this metro station. You may likewise see a number after the letter. This demonstrates where on the line the station is. For instance, in the event that you see G 12 posted inside and outside the tram station you're in, that implies this station benefits the Ginza Line and that the metro station you're right now at is the twelfth stop on the Ginza line. There are regularly numerous lines that assistance one tram station. When inside the tram station, there are numerous signs with bolts to guide you to where you need to go. While getting onto a metro vehicle, try to allow travelers to off first, at that point enter. It's essential to realize that the metro turns out to be famously packed during heavy traffic (busy time begins at the main train of the day until 9:30 a.m.). To where station overseers drive benefactors further into the vehicle on the off chance that they are obstructing the entryways from shutting. Ladies just vehicles are accessible during heavy traffic. 

Admissions depend on the distance you travel, and the base rate is 170 yen (about $1.50). In the event that you realize you'll be utilizing the metro a great deal, buy a guest's ticket or PASMO card. Guest tickets take into consideration limitless metro rides and Toei tram lines for 24 hours ($7), 48 hours ($11) and 72 hours ($14). In the event that you'll be in Tokyo for more, consider the battery-powered PASMO card. Explorers can buy credit in thousand additions of yen (1,000 yen, 2,000 yen, 3,000 yen, and so forth) Know that two organizations work Tokyo's metro framework. Tokyo Metro is private while the Toei metros are controlled by the public authority. They are both basically tradable. Tickets from the metro work on the Toei and passages comparable. Besides possession, the primary contrast between the metro and Toei is that they work various lines in the mass tram framework.


Level out: Tokyo transports are confounding. To start with, you need to comprehend there are two unique kinds of transports. In the event that you jump on a "front-boarding" transport (type 1), you'll pay a level charge as you step on. On the off chance that you get a "backloading up" transport (type 2), you enter from the back, get a ticket and pay once you arrive at your objective. The charge for your specific ticket will be posted on the electric billboard at the front. You'll embed your ticket and your cash into the machine at the front of the transport. However, you'll need to sort out which transport to take, which the Tokyo Tourism Board concedes would be convoluted for guests. Our definitive recommendation: Don't take a transport except if exhorted or joined by a neighborhood. The cost for a one-day Toei transport pass is 500 yen for grown-ups ($4.60) and 250 yen for youngsters ($2.30). In the event that you do take a transport, it's ideal to have careful change; the cash transformer acknowledges just coins and 1,000 yen bills.


During the day, taxis are not an expense or time-powerful alternative. They will become involved with the snare of Tokyo traffic, and the meter will run while you stay there getting increasingly disappointed. You can signal them in the city or tangle one at an inn or train station. The banner drop rate is 410 yen (about $3.50) for the main half-mile voyaged, and each extra .14 miles costs 80 yen (around 70 pennies). Additionally, rates increment by 20% beginning at 10 p.m. at that point up to 30 percent between 11 p.m. also, 5 a.m. Taxicabs in Tokyo are accessible when the red light on the vehicle's windshield is enlightened, or if a sign on the highest point of a vehicle is enlightened. Not all cabs acknowledge Mastercards. Window stickers or a sign on the taxi shows whether the vehicle acknowledges cards. Generally, if the cabs do acknowledge cards, there is a base the rider should reach to have the option to utilize their card. Make a point to ask the cab driver prior to getting into the taxi if there is a Mastercard least. The ride-hailing application Uber additionally works here.


Leasing a vehicle in Tokyo ought to be not feasible. In addition to the fact that it would be a costly slip-up, yet you'll likewise have a parting migraine from the ceaseless roads, ever-present traffic, and non-existent stopping. All things considered, on the off chance that you totally, decidedly need a vehicle, you'll discover rental spots at both of Tokyo's significant air terminals.

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